Friday, 2 January 2015

A Theory of Everything

A week ago, I finished watching one Korean series. The male lead is schizo and having Lou Gehrig's disease in delusional state. Which means..he created a disease he doesn't have.

A Theory of Everything. Another story with the main lead having Lou Gehrig's disease. Now, isn't it cool, when you are a medical student and know something's medical-related through your entertainment. Well,, at least I don't feel that much of a guilty for having some relaxing time of mine haha

So, while watching this movie, it gave me goosebumps for a few times. 

First, when a scientist is diagnosed with a disease so called Lou Gehrig's disease. "Hey, I knew this disease like a few days ago, and it affects the male lead also!"

Second, when he got kid despite his illness. Someone used to tell me, that there is  this one engineer trying to built a bridge. But unfortunately, he lost his ability to talk, so his sons continue the construction of the bridge. So, I was kinda.. " this him? the engineer who's trying to built a bridge? Jeng3..." So, I was thrilled and kept watching although the story is kinda slow-progressing type of a movie.

Third, when he lost his ability to speak. Like I said, the story that I recalled. The engineer. He also lost his ability to speak just like the male lead in this movie. His son continued the effort to construct the bridge  by communicating with his father through a special method.

Fourth, when the female lead brought a board with letter! "I knew it. This is the guy! The guy and a bridge"...Continue my recall...-that special method is to ask his father to blink at the letter the son shows.

Fifth, when there is a close up of the male lead. "oh my god! This is the scientist I met in Madame Tussauds, London!"

Fifth, when at the end of the story, he divorced and he is not connected with bridge at all. So my recall of the story is not precise at some points. Haha..well I have expected that not-precise-recall from myself. A girl who have very weak memory and so little general knowledge. I kinda mixed up the story. I was all correct about a great person losing ability to communicate and his wife uses a board of letters to communicate with her. And it's him- Stephen Hawking. But it has nothing to do with the bridge. oh, it was Brooklyn Bridge by the way. haha.... Now, you can go research about Brooklyn Brige by the way. The Brooklyn Bridge has nothing to do with losing ability to speak, but it is true that the construction is continued by the sons of the engineer.

Now, there is one more thing I would like to share or argue or comment. When Jane decided to marry Stephen despite his illness and their young age-and giving excuses that they love each other. I strongly disagree with this. Live in reality my dear. Love is not everything. You might get tired and bored of it. Most of us do. 

But then she proved me wrong when they got three children and she is still by his side by the  time he received the tittle professor. oh what a great love this is. Remind me of Habibi and Ainun. 

But again, when I already have the courage to believe that great love like that exist, heading to the end of the movie, Jane and Stephen divorced! disappointing  this is. Plus, it is mutual agreement. Stephen got Elaine and Jane got Jonathan. 

First, Jane said she wanted to marry Stephen because she loves him, but then she's the first one to 'betray' Stephen by having feelings for Jonathan. Stephen, when he married Elaine- "I'm glad that I marry a woman I love"- seriously? Jane had been by your side all this time, going through all hardships and you says you love this new lady, oh seriously.  I'm not trying to condemn their love story. But if you will have to marry for a  few times to find the right one..then I'm scared I'll be scared of marriage. My conclusion is..there is no single theory of everything. Just live your life.

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