Sunday, 15 May 2011

Pareto Principle- 80/20

Hi everyone.

So my post this time will be basically about applying Pareto principle in our life.
Thank you to Irfan Khairi (one of the young Malaysian millionaire) who once gave me an article about this principle and to Valerie, my histology lecturer who reminded me of this principle.

Well the 80/20, means, 80% of our output is from 20 % of our input. There are business examples such as 20 percent of employees are responsible for 80 percent of a company’s output or 20 percent of customers are responsible for 80 percent of the revenues. Somehow to apply this principle in life, there are a few conditions that must be achieved first. 

  • Passion

This principle is not applicable if your 20-input is not your passion. For example, reading a John Grisham-like novel is not your passion, how come you expect an 80-output, right? So, the point here is that, the 20-input must be your passion. I'm a doctor-to- be and this is my passion. Somehow there are a few subjects that is not to my liking. So should i give up study? No, of course! It is a must to go through with it, so that i can be a doctor.
So, i look for another passion-photography. I am in love with it. So, i look around (20-input) and take pictures and share with my friends (80-output). So we see the world around us differently. So that is how I benefit my friend.  
If you do something you do not like, the principle will convert from 80/20 to 20/80- 80-input and 20-output.In other words, you are not productive.

  • Consuming and producing

So to apply a 80/20 life you have to convert a passion into a sustainable income. How? Only by producing output for other people to enjoy or make practical use of it. Consume the pleasure of a party, make new friends, share something and exchange thought which then help you to produce new ideas.

  • Focus

To start living 80/20 today you have only to do one thing – focus your energies on what you enjoy. Do the things you have the passion with. As for me, I love to eat, so when I’m eating, I’ll always inventing new recipe in my head rather than just swallowed the food (my way on focusing my energies on what i enjoy). So you see, my 20-input of eating which is my passion, I can create a value for others to enjoy which is my 80-output. So let's together be productive n,n.

Any question or comment for this post, please post below. Tq.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Perihal 4 Musim..

Sebelum saya menjejakkan kaki di Rusia, idea saya tentang 4 musim adalah sangat mudah.

~kalau musim luruh = bunga emas macam cerita Mohabbatein...
~kalau musim salji   ='setting' Narnia... (which make me smile 24.7!!!)
~kalau musim bunga = bunga warna-warni mcm kereta berhias..
~kalau musim panas =x byk beza dgn Msia agaknya..?

Tetapi setelah beberapa bulan berada di Rusia, saya dapati 4 musim bukan sekadar warna, pokok...Rupa-rupanya byk lagi perkara-perkara 'trivial' yg sebenarnya sgt penting contohnya: 

1. TINGKAP : kalau musim salji, senior pesan suruh 'seal' tingkap,untuk elak angin sejuk dari luar  (aktiviti yg x pernah sy buat di Malaysia)
                        kalau musim panas pula, kami kena psg jaring, untuk elak nyamuk atau serangga-serangga yg sewaktu dengannya...

2. AIS-KRIM : di Malaysia,buah-buahan saja yg biasanya bermusim,tp kalau 4 musim,ais krim pun bermusim
                       musim salji > susah nak jumpa ais krim tepi-tepi jalan
                       musim panas> senang sgt... ;)
                       bagi org yg gemar mkn ais krim waktu sejuk macam saya...terpaksalah mencari kiosk-kiosk utk  mendapatkan ais krim sewaktu musim salji~~

3. FASILITI : kalau negara2 lain yang turut mempunyai 4 musim, saya kurg pasti ttg fasiliti mereka, tp kalau di Volgograd, setiap bilik,dewan, makmal akan ada pemanas, tapi tiada kipas, jadi untuk musim panas, kipas sangatlah diperlukan...

4. PAKAIAN : inilah benda yg rasanya paling ketara...
                       musim salji > jaket,skaf,penutup telinga, kasut but, seluar jeans yg luar biasa                       
                       musim panas> tshirt, seluar jeans, sandal~~~ hihi

Satu lgi pengalaman baru saya adalah saya lebih peka dengan bau daun dan warna hijau daun yang rupa-rupanya sgt indah~~~
Setelah beberapa bulan pokok di Volgograd tidak berdaun, dan cuti 3 hari yg saya gunakan sepenuhnya utk berkurung dalam bilik (membuatkan saya tidak nampak perubahan musim yg berlaku di sekeliling), saya diselubungi satu perasaan yang tak pernah saya rasa sebelum ini, apabila saya perhatikan pemandangan di luar kelas Biologi. 

Semua pokok sudah kembali berdaun! Tak pernah saya sangka, kalau beberapa bulan saya tak nampak pokok berdaun, saya akan jadi sangat jakun@perak apabila nampak pokok berdaun..,hihi

4 gambar di bawah diambil oleh senior saya, Ahmad Ramdan. 4 musim di Volgograd~~~

Musim Bunga

Musim Panas

Musim Luruh
Musim Salji
Jadi, untuk siapa2 yang ada pengalaman selain saya marilah kita berkongsi pengalaman bersama-sama.. n,n
